Has your child been diagnosed with Erb’s palsy? Are you feeling confused and worried about what their future might hold? If so, you should consider calling a Columbus birth injury lawyer from our firm for legal help and support. Your child will likely need every benefit as they battle their Erb’s palsy diagnosis.
With help from an Erb’s palsy injury lawyer in Columbus at the Fitch Law Firm LLC, you can hold the liable party accountable for their negligence. Help your child get justice and access to the compensation they deserve when you contact our Columbus Personal Injury Lawyers for a free consultation.
What Is Erb’s Palsy? How Can It Affect My Child?
Childbirth is beautiful, but it can also be a difficult process for the mother and baby. There are numerous types of birth injuries that can cause serious harm to a baby, including shoulder dystocia and Erb’s palsy.
Shoulder dystocia refers to a medical emergency in which the baby’s shoulders remain stuck or lodged against the mother’s pelvic bone during birth. While this condition is treatable, a doctor that uses excessive traction or tension on an infant with shoulder dystocia may tear the baby’s nerve fibers, which could then lead to paralysis of the hand or arm. This condition is known as Erb’s palsy. One or two of every 1,000 babies suffer from Erb’s palsy.
Oftentimes, shoulder dystocia during a difficult birth can trigger Erb’s palsy. The nerves in the brachial plexus give feeling and movement to a baby’s fingers, hand, and arm, and so babies with this ailment are unable to move the affected upper arm or shoulder. Wiggling their fingers may be possible.
In some cases, the condition may affect the baby’s entire trunk, as well as disrupt the spinal cord’s ability to send messages through normal nerve impulses to the fingers, hand, wrist, or arm. Babies suffering from this condition, therefore, appear to be paralyzed in the affected area of the arm.
Causes and Risk Factors of Erb’s Palsy
Generally, Erb’s palsy happens during a difficult labor. It can occur in various ways, like when:
- The baby passes through the birth canal with the head turned in one direction and the arm being pulled in an opposing direction.
- The baby is delivered with his or her face first.
- The baby is delivered through the birth canal in a breech position, and the baby’s arms are pulled back over the head.
The risk of developing Erb’s palsy may triple if the infant develops shoulder dystocia.
Some other risk factors are:
- Mothers who have previously given birth to a child with shoulder dystocia
- Mothers who have had induced labor
- The use of vacuum extraction tools or forceps during delivery
- Small maternal size
- Excessive maternal weight gain
- Large infant size
- Infants in the breech position
- Infants with high birth weight
- The second stage of labor lasting for more than an hour
The Last Thing You Should Worry About Is How You’re Going To Pay For Your Medical Bills.
Signs and Symptoms Of Erb’s Palsy
Symptoms of Erb’s palsy in a baby can range from signs of weakness to arm paralysis. Among the most common signs and symptoms to watch out for are:
- A limp arm
- Partial or full paralysis
- A decreased grip with the hand of the affected side
- Arm numbness
- Missing Moro reflex
- No motor function in the upper arm of the affected area
- No sensory function in the upper arm of the affected area
- Impaired muscular, nervous, and circulatory development
With Treatment, Your Child Could Overcome Their Disability
The negligent prevention or treatment of shoulder dystocia can lead to various other brachial plexus nerve injuries.
Infants with Erb’s palsy are often referred to a multidisciplinary treatment center. Other common treatment options for Erb’s palsy include special medical procedures, rehabilitative therapy, and surgery.
While minor cases of Erb’s palsy may improve within three to six months with regular physical therapy, approximately 70 percent of all cases will clear up within a year’s time with consistent and proper treatment. In some cases, however, infants with Erb’s palsy may deal with lifelong issues, such as abnormal muscle contractions or permanent functional loss in the affected arm.
We Will Be
There To Help
You All The Way
Who Could Be Liable for My Child’s Erb’s Palsy Diagnosis?
There are multiple parties who could be named in your medical malpractice lawsuit, including:
- Obstetricians
- Midwives
- Pediatricians
- Nurses
- Surgeons
- Nursing assistants
- Gynecologists
- Other relevant healthcare providers
Essentially, anyone who was involved in your child’s labor or delivery could share liability if they were negligent or failed to uphold their medical duty of care. Your attorney will carefully analyze the evidence in your case to determine who should be held accountable for your child’s brachial plexus birth injury.
Damages You Could Recover In Your Claim or Lawsuit
Compensation in your case could account for:
- Coverage for all Erb’s palsy-related medical expenses, including hospital bills, surgeries, prescription medications, co-pays, physical and occupational therapy, education assistance programs, and more
- Skin scarring and disfigurement
- Diminished quality of life
- Loss of future potential earnings
- Physical pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
We Will Determine What Constitute a Fair Settlement
We want to recover everything your child needs to ensure their quality of life. To determine what constitutes a fair insurance settlement or court award, we will assess:
- The severity of your child’s condition
- The treatments your child requires
- The medical professional’s negligent conduct
- Your child’s quality of life
We may also consult with doctors to learn more about your child’s future healthcare expenses and what could help them reach maximum medical improvement.
We’ve Successfully Recovered for Medical Malpractice Claimants
Some of our previous case results for medical malpractice claimants include:
- $2.65 million after an infant suffered a serious neurological injury after the mother went into respiratory arrest before delivering the child
- $1.55 million after a healthcare professional failed to diagnose a fatal condition
- $1.2 million after our patient suffered serious complications after receiving an inaccurate diagnosis
These are examples of the favorable outcomes we’ve achieved for injured claimants and their loved ones. We’re ready to apply the same time, effort, and dedication to your case that we’ve done for others.
Compassionate Ohio Birth Injury Attorney Ready To Help
Erb’s palsy and other birth injuries are devastating to deal with, and they can often result in extreme emotional and financial stresses for the child’s parents and loved ones. The personal injury attorneys in Columbus at The Fitch Law Firm LLC understands the enormous responsibility involved in conducting a thorough investigation of birth injury cases.
While no amount of monetary compensation can reverse the damage already done, we will work tirelessly to hold the responsible parties accountable for their negligent actions, and we help you obtain the compensation needed to have your child’s medical needs addressed at the soonest possible time.
Meet with an Erb’s Palsy Injury Lawyer in Columbus Today
If you have reason to believe that your child sustained a birth injury (such as shoulder dystocia or Erb’s palsy) because of the negligence of an Ohio medical professional, call the Fitch Law Firm LLC immediately. Our experienced, compassionate, and aggressive legal team will stand up for your rights and protect your best interests.
We are here to fight for you and help you get the justice you deserve.