Many people in Dayton use public transit daily. Because of the capacity these transit vehicles can hold, accidents could affect many people. If you were injured in a bus or public transit accident in Montgomery County, you could be entitled to compensation.
A Dayton bus/public transit accident lawyer at our firm can help you build a case and recover your losses. Our Dayton Personal Injury Lawyer is ready to support you through this process, ensuring you understand your rights and options for seeking compensation.
How Much Could My Dayton Public Transit Accident Case Be Worth?
The value of each public transit accident case is different because of the unique circumstances surrounding the accidents. Our attorneys would review your damages to determine an estimate of the value of your claim.
Recoverable damages are intended to compensate victims for economic and non-economic losses. Economic losses are verified monetary losses you incurred due to your injuries. Non-economic losses include non-monetary losses that do not have an exact amount of money associated with them.
Economic Damages You Could Recover
In a public transit accident, the economic damages you could recover in your claim include:
- Medical bills: This includes any doctor’s visit, treatment, or test you underwent because of your injuries. Common injuries you could sustain include broken bones or fractures, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, lacerations and cuts, and internal injuries. Past, present, and future medical expenses can be added to your claim.
- Lost income: If you had to be out of work during your recovery from the accident, you can include the income you lost in your claim. Even if you only had to be out of work a few days, you can seek compensation for that loss.
- Diminished earning capacity: If you cannot go back to work in the same capacity as you did before the accident, you could receive compensation. Our attorneys can help calculate the monetary amount of future earnings you have lost.
Non-Economic Damages You Could Recover
Non-economic damages you can include in your public transit accident claim include:
- Pain and suffering: You can include the physical discomfort you had to endure because of your injuries in your claim. This also includes any pain, anguish, or inconvenience you endured. The value of pain and suffering is based on subjective criteria and can vary from case to case. Our attorneys can help you calculate the value of pain and suffering in your case.
- Emotional distress: Being in a public transit accident can be a terrifying experience. The accident experience and injuries you sustained could lead to various mental health issues. These include anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you are suffering from mental health conditions, you can include those in your claim.
The cost of being injured in a public transit vehicle can add up quickly. You don’t want to be stuck paying high medical bills. Our firm’s Dayton bus/public transit accident lawyer can help you recover the compensation you need.
For a free legal consultation with a Dayton bus/ public transit accident lawyer
What Makes Public Transit Accidents Different From Other Auto Accidents
A public transit accident can look different than a regular auto accident for several reasons. First, more people could be involved because these types of vehicles can hold more people. Another reason is that public transit vehicles are usually owned by some type of government entity. This includes school districts and other public transportation bureaus.
Filing a personal injury claim against a government body can be more difficult than filing a claim against another citizen. You usually must first file a claim with the government entity that owns that bus. Usually, this documentation must be filed quickly. If you were in a public transit accident, our attorneys can help you navigate that process.
How to Determine Who Is at Fault
The cause of a public transit accident could be the fault of the driver of the public vehicle or another vehicle. If the fault is because of another vehicle colliding with the public transit vehicle, they would be at fault and liable to compensate those who are injured.
If the public transportation driver is at fault, the public transportation company would be held liable for the accident.
Our attorneys can investigate the accident to determine who was at fault. Several factors can contribute to a bus accident. These factors may include:
- The drivers have not been adequately trained
- The drivers have not been adequately screened before employment
- Drivers are working while they are too fatigued
- If the equipment on the public transportation vehicle is not properly maintained
- If the vehicle is overloaded or improperly loaded
- If the driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol
The Last Thing You Should Worry About Is How You’re Going To Pay For Your Medical Bills.
The Attorneys at The Fitch Law Firm LLC Are Ready to Fight for You
At our firm, we understand how scary being in a bus or public transit accident can be. We want our clients to feel comfortable talking about their experience and how it has negatively affected their lives. Our goal will always be to help our clients get the fairest amount of compensation possible for their injuries. We know future expenses may arise, and we want you to be financially prepared.
If you choose our firm, you can expect:
- Free consultations: We will meet with you one-on-one to review your case and determine if we will move forward. We will give you an honest assessment of your case and answer any questions you may have. This can also be done over the phone.
- No fee guarantee: We do not charge for our services unless a positive outcome is reached in your case. Before we begin working on your case, we will discuss our fee agreement with you so you don’t have to wonder how much you will owe at the end of your case.
- 24/7 communication: A member of our team will be available 24/7 to answer any immediate questions or concerns you have.
View our case results to see how our past clients have been awarded millions of dollars.
Call Us Today for a Free Consultation
If you have been in a bus or public transit accident in Dayton, we are ready to represent you and ensure your right to receive compensation for your injuries.
Contact The Fitch Law Firm LLC by calling (937) 660-4232 today and we can get started on your claim.