If you or a loved one was bitten by a dog, you may be entitled to damages from the dog’s owner. A Marion dog bite lawyer from the Fitch Law Firm LLC can make it easier for you to seek those damages by assuming all of your legal responsibilities. Contact our Marion, Ohio office at (740) 212-1686 to learn more. We can even review your case at no charge or obligation to you.
How to Handle a Dog Bite
After a dog bites you, it is easy to panic or be unsure about the best course of action. In all cases, however, the first thing you should do is treat your injuries.
According to the Mayo Clinic, minor dog bites may be safely treated at home. However, any wounds involving a lot of damage, blood, dirt, or swelling should be seen by a doctor as soon as possible. You should also see a doctor if there is any chance of contracting rabies or tetanus; you may need shots to prevent a deadly infection.
A 2019 National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) study states that dog bites are very expensive, costing $400 million every year. This is where damages come in.

A Quick Guide to Damages
Once you have received proper medical care, you can consider whether or not filing a lawsuit is the right option for you. If you need help making that decision, call the Fitch Law Firm LLC at (740) 212-1686. We may be able to tell you if you have a viable case and if a Marion dog bite lawyer can help you in any way.
What you can sue for after a dog bite all depends on how your injuries have affected your health, your career, your finances, and your personal relationships. Common examples of damages are listed below.
Economic (Financial) Damages
- Medical costs: Your dog bite was serious enough that you needed to go to a doctor or emergency room.
- Loss of wages: Your injuries interfered with your ability to do your job, forcing you to work fewer hours, perform light duty that paid less, or take time off.
- Loss of employment: You will never be able to go back to your old job, or you are no longer capable of any type of gainful employment.
- Other costs: You had to hire outside help to take care of your usual chores (e.g., housecleaning).
Non-Economic (Physical and Emotional) Damages
- Scarring: You will carry the physical scars of your accident for the rest of your life. They may even be physically as well as emotionally painful.
- Pain and suffering: Your injuries caused you great physical and/or emotional anguish.
- Reduced quality of life: You cannot live the way you used to. This may mean giving up certain activities or needing help with basic tasks (e.g., dressing).
- Loss of consortium: Your marriage has suffered because of the accident and/or your injuries.
The Last Thing You Should Worry About Is How You’re Going To Pay For Your Medical Bills.

The Benefits of Seeking Legal Representation
The idea of filing and managing a lawsuit is daunting, especially if you have not fully recovered or have no knowledge of the law. Consulting a lawyer is a great way to learn about your legal options and to find out if a lawyer can be of help in your case. The Fitch Law Firm LLC offers free case evaluations to everyone who calls our office.
After one quick phone call with us, you will know whether or not your case qualifies. If it does, one of our lawyers would be happy to assist you in the following ways.
Strengthening Your Claim
According to Ohio Revised Code (ORC) §955.28, you are only entitled to damages after a dog bite if you were behaving in a lawful manner (e.g., not trespassing nor harassing the dog) at the time of the incident. A lawyer can investigate your accident and find evidence to prove you did nothing that would disqualify you from receiving compensation.
Managing the Lines of Communication
It is critical for all parties involved in a lawsuit to stay in contact with one another. However, this does not mean you have to (or should) have direct contact with the liable party or their representatives. Your lawyer will convey all messages between you and the other party.
In addition, your lawyer will keep in touch with you. This may involve calling you with updates about your case and responding to whatever questions you have about the legal process. You do not have to be shy about contacting your lawyer with your concerns; that is what they are here for.
Pursuing Compensation
The insurance company does not want to go to court any more than you do. To save time and money, they will likely agree to negotiate. That gives your lawyer the chance to sit down with them, show them evidence collected during the investigation, and argue for the highest possible amount of compensation. If they agree to pay, let your lawyer double-check the settlement agreement before you sign. They can alert you to any discrepancies or unfair provisions.
Although the insurance company not agreeing to pay is uncommon, it does happen. In that case, your lawyer can arrange a trial. They will do everything possible to convince a jury to award you damages, including submitting evidence to a judge and questioning witnesses.
The Fitch Law Firm LLC understands how difficult it can be to recover from a dog bite. We can provide you with a Marion dog bite lawyer who will fight on your behalf for the justice you deserve. Call us at any time at (740) 212-1686. A member of our team is standing by to discuss your case.