Medical malpractice occurs when the actions of a doctor or other medical professional fall below the standard of care for a professional in a similar situation. If an incident of medical malpractice causes you injuries, you could have a claim against the responsible parties for the costs of your injuries.
A lawyer from our law firm serving Marion can evaluate your situation for evidence of wrongdoing and advise you about your potential legal case. We can help you gather the evidence necessary to support your paralysis case and represent your interests against those responsible for your injuries.
What Kinds of Compensation Can I Get for My Injuries?
Compensation in a medical malpractice case can include damages for your economic losses from your injuries. These damages might consist of past, current, and ongoing medical expenses to treat your injuries. You also may be able to claim economic damages for lost income while you are unable to work, whether on a temporary or permanent basis.
Non-economic damages also are a form of compensatory damages. However, these damages are not tied to a particular economic loss, like a medical bill. Some potential non-economic damages that might arise from a medical malpractice case that causes paralysis can include:
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of use of limbs or bodily functions
- Mental trauma and anguish
- Physical deformities
Unlike economic damages, Ohio law puts a limit on the amount of non-economic damages that you can seek in a medical malpractice or personal injury case.
Why Should You Hire a Lawyer, Rather than Just Handle Your Case Yourself?
A medical malpractice attorney from our law firm serves many functions in your medical malpractice case. You already have enough on your plate as you deal with paralysis and other devastating injuries that have changed your life. While you focus on treatment and healing, we can put our efforts toward the financial aspects of your situation.
Some of the functions that we perform as your medical malpractice lawyers include:
- Collecting evidence to show medical malpractice occurred
- Consulting medical experts to prove your case
- Gathering and analyzing medical records
- Getting information from those involved in the incident that led to your injuries
- Negotiating with insurance companies to settle your claim
Doctors and hospitals have financial resources and insurance defense lawyers at their disposal. Trying to handle a medical malpractice case on your own while also dealing with your unexpected injuries can be overwhelming and intimidating. Enlisting the help of our lawyers who handle paralysis cases in the Marion area can lift some of these burdens from your shoulders.
The Last Thing You Should Worry About Is How You’re Going To Pay For Your Medical Bills.
What Makes the Fitch Law Firm Right for You?
Our law firm represents injury victims and their families in personal injury claims, including medical malpractice. As a result, we handle medical malpractice cases, including those that lead to catastrophic injuries like paralysis, every day. We know what it takes to prove a medical malpractice case as we aim to get the results you deserve for your injuries.
Medical malpractice lawyer John Fitch has more than 30 years of experience in handling medical malpractice and personal injury cases. He is dedicated to helping you through the aftereffects of serious injuries resulting from medical malpractice. With our law firm on your side, you will get answers to your questions about the claims process, possible forms of compensation, state laws, and deadlines for pursuing your claim in court.
How Much Does It Cost For a Lawyer to Represent You?
When you are facing massive medical bills, a major change in your household income, and a future full of other injury-related treatment expenses, you may be reluctant to contact a lawyer’s office. You may not want to take on additional costs at a time when your entire world has changed.
Fortunately, you pay us nothing in advance to start working on your case. Payment of a large retainer is not required for our services. We offer you a free consultation to evaluate your case and find out whether you have a legal claim. If you have a valid claim, we can then begin building your compensation case at no upfront cost to you.
We Will Be
There To Help
You All The Way
How Do You Know if You Have a Case for Medical Malpractice?
Every legal case requires proof of certain elements. Medical malpractice cases in Ohio require evidence of the following four elements:
- The medical professional owed you a duty of care as a patient
- The medical professional violated that duty of care through negligence
- The negligence of the medical professional directly caused you harm
- You suffered injuries as a result of the harm that you experienced
While you might think of doctors as the people who commit medical malpractice, the fact is that all types of medical professionals may be liable for medical malpractice. Potentially responsible parties also can include medical professionals such as nurses, pharmacists, medical technicians, and chiropractors, among others. Furthermore, medical practices, hospitals, and clinics also may be responsible for malpractice that occurs at their facilities.
Take the First Step and Get Legal Advice from Our Attorneys Today
You can count on a lawyer from the Fitch Law Firm LLC to assist you with all aspects of your medical malpractice case involving paralysis. Call our Marion office today and get a free consultation about your potential case.