Presidential approval of the Camp Lejeune Justice Act a few months ago resulted in the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act (PACT Act) becoming Federal legislation. On August 2, 2022, the PACT Act became a federal statute.
Victims of Camp Lejeune were prohibited from filing lawsuits under the Federal Tort Claims Act prior to the passage of the PACT Act. Former residents of Camp Lejeune can now pursue legal action and monetary compensation from the government for exposure to contaminated water.
The Honoring Our Pact Act of 2022 may entitle you to compensation for your losses if you have a health condition brought on by contaminated water at the North Carolina military base. A Camp Lejeune water contamination lawyer with Fitch Law Firm, LLC. may be able to help.
Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Background
At Camp Lejeune, a Marine Corps base in North Carolina, the water supply was polluted from 1953 to 1987 with dangerously high concentrations of cancer-causing substances.
More than 70 chemicals and pollutants, at concentrations 240-3400 times higher than allowed by safety guidelines, were found in the water used for drinking and bathing by Marines, their families, and the staff at Camp Lejeune.
If you were impacted by the Camp Lejeune toxic chemical water contamination, a lawyer may be able to help you take legal action to recover compensation for your illnesses and losses.

What Was in the Water at Camp LeJeune?
Trichloroethylene (TCE), perchloroethylene (PCE), vinyl chloride, and benzene are some of the volatile organic substances that will be the major subjects of a Camp Lejeune water contamination case.
Every day, our marine corps, military personnel, and their families unintentionally drank water tainted with dangerous chemical pollutants on this North Carolina military base. There was a significant risk of injury from this hazardous water.
Thousands of marines, civilian workers, and their families who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune and were exposed to the contaminated water have developed birth defects, cancer, and other diseases.
The Marine Corps Knew About the Dangerous Chemicals and Did Nothing
Sadly if the military had taken action, a lot of the subsequent exposure to the chemical contaminants at Camp Lejeune may have been prevented. Numerous pieces of evidence have surfaced demonstrating that the Marine Corps initially disregarded and then hid the problem of the base’s tainted water supply.
When new EPA rules were effective in 1981 and the military was compelled to test the water for the first time, the problem was first identified. The water was extremely contaminated, according to the assessment from the Army Environmental Hygiene Agency. However, nothing was done.
Officials at Camp Lejeune filed a fabricated report to the EPA in April 1983 asserting that there were no environmental pollution issues at the facility, despite additional tests by other groups and several warnings over the following two years.
What are the Typical Settlement Amounts for Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune?
Depending on the injuries sustained, conditions identified, length of stay at the base, and other factors, the financial compensation amount for each case will vary. Medical costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, emotional harm, and other losses would be included in lawsuit settlements.
Settlement amounts for exposure to contaminated water at Camp Lejeune could be substantial for some people, depending on the severity of their injuries, the severity of their conditions, and the strength of the evidence.
Since the situation is still developing, it’s too early to say what the average settlement amount for a Camp Lejeune Water Lawsuit will be at this point.
We Will Be
There To Help
You All The Way
Passage of the PACT Act
The Pact Act included the Camp Lejeune Justice Act as well. The people who were exposed to toxic chemicals in the drinking water will be compensated in Camp Lejeune litigation, and those who are left with a variety of health problems that require continuous medical care will be entitled to future health benefits.
Since the Camp Lejeune Justice Act was passed, radio and television have become overrun with advertisements for Camp Lejeune attorneys. Lawyers around the US are already filing numerous claims for people harmed by the water at the Camp Lejeune military base, heralding the impending arrival of Camp Lejeune litigation.
Certain Types of Cancer and Other Serious Medical Issues Linked to Camp Lejeune’s Contaminated Water
Camp Lejeune’s drinking water has been contaminated with substances that have been related to a variety of health complications. Scientific and medical evidence point to a direct connection between the contaminated water supply and numerous medical conditions.
A wide variety of malignancies, neurological problems, and birth defects have been observed in exposed individuals who worked or lived at the military base.
Camp Lejeune contaminated water has been related to several types of cancer, including but not limited to:
- Esophageal cancer
- Liver cancer
- Leukemia
- Lung cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
- Multiple myeloma
- Bladder cancer
- Renal cancer
- Breast cancer
- Cervical cancer
- Ovarian cancer
- Prostate cancer
Exposure to hazardous Camp Lejeune water has been linked to a variety of health problems, some of which are not included on the above list of qualifying diseases and other obstacles.
To qualify for medical coverage under the CCLFA, you must show that your diagnosis and issues are likely the result of hazardous exposure to Camp Lejeune water and that you lived or worked on the base during the qualifying years. This includes those with cancers not listed above.
A higher mortality rate from cancer and other chronic illnesses has been linked scientifically to exposure to the water at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987. Exposed people have an increased risk of developing cancer as well as these other conditions:
- Myelodysplastic syndromes
- Neurobehavioral effects
- Fatty liver disease
- Brain damage
- ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
- Birth defects
- Renal toxicity
- Immune disorders
- Cardiac defects
- Miscarriage
- Infertility
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Epilepsy
- Aplastic anemia (and other bone marrow conditions)
- Scleroderma
- Hepatic steatosis
Toxic Water Compensation
Marine Corps veterans who have serious health problems as a result of their service-related exposure to Camp Lejeune water pollutants and toxins are entitled to compensation under the Honoring Our Pact Act.
A fund was set up to help those who developed cancer or became sick because of the water. The Caring for Camp Lejeune Families Act of 2012 (CCLFA) allows veterans and families who served and lived at Camp Lejeune during the pollution to obtain medical care from the VA.
Expenses associated with treating illnesses brought on by drinking water tainted with chemicals at Camp Lejeune could be covered, among other medical expenses. A Marine Corps veteran’s eligibility for compensation and medical treatment under those rules can change depending on a number of variables.
Learn More About Filing A Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit At No Cost
Are you a Camp Lejeune water contamination victim who spent a minimum of 30 consecutive days on the base between 1953 and 1987? Do your medical records show a diagnosis of leukemia, cancer, or another serious illness?
Service members and their families who have suffered harm while serving in the armed forces are the focus of the legal advocacy work of the personal injury lawyers at Fitch Law Firm, LLC. We strive to make sure our clients obtain just payment for their losses, including wrongful death and injuries suffered because of the Camp Lejeune water contamination.
To arrange a free case evaluation, contact Fitch Law Firm, LLC. All cases are taken on a contingency fee basis. No money is due until we recover financial compensation for your Camp Lejeune personal injury claim through settlement negotiations or trial.