WCPO Cincinnati reports that an Anderson Township woman has experienced an “exploding” washing machine, highlighting a problem Samsung is having with many of their defective washers. The problem is so bad there is even a Facebook page dedicated to the matter.
Samsung admits the problem and says it affects top-loading machines manufactured between March 2011 and April 2016. These machines “may experience abnormal vibrations” when laundering particular items.
The United States Consumer Product Safety Commission or CPSC has issued a warning about the washers in question and urges all consumers to be vigilant. An out of control, self-destructing washing machine poses a risk to anyone nearby, especially unattended infants and young children.
Interviewed by WCPO, Catherine Fishbaugh described how her washer tore itself apart. She also commented on the danger had she been in the laundry room. “It would have possibly slammed me into the back of the door, or would have slammed me into the wall,” she said.

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