The statute of limitations affects your case by determining the time limit for filing your lawsuit. If it expires, you could lose any legal recourse that compels the at-fault party to compensate you. It could also affect your filing of an insurance claim since the insurer may stop negotiating with you if your lawsuit is not filed on time.
If you’re concerned about complying with the statute of limitations, a Columbus truck accident lawyer can help you gather evidence and ensure you file your personal injury lawsuit on time.
What Is the Statute of Limitations for Ohio Truck Accident Lawsuits?
The Ohio statute of limitations for personal injury cases can vary based on the injured party’s age, certain circumstances of the accident, its outcome, and many other factors of your case. However, the personal injury statute of limitations is generally two years.
There are exceptions to this rule. Your truck accident attorney will examine your case’s details and explain the applicable filing deadline and the consequences of filing your lawsuit too late.
What Is the Statute of Limitations if an Ohio Truck Accident Causes a Fatality?
If your family lost a loved one in a truck accident in Columbus, the state requires their estate representative to file a lawsuit promptly. In general, the wrongful death statute of limitations is two years, according to Ohio Revised Code Section 2125.02.
The filing deadline could vary, so the best way to understand how it applies to your family’s case is to let a Columbus wrongful death lawyer handle it for you.
Are There Any Exceptions to the Filing Deadline for a Truck Accident in Ohio?
Complying with the statute of limitations is necessary to receive fair financial compensation. If the deadline expires before you file your truck accident lawsuit:
- The court could prohibit you from filing your lawsuit at all.
- A judge could dismiss your lawsuit without being heard.
- You could lose the legal right to compel compensation from the at-fault party’s insurance company.
Your personal injury attorney will examine your case, accurately interpret the filing deadline, and handle any factors that might affect the timely filing of your lawsuit.
The Benefits of Securing Legal Representation Soon After a Columbus Truck Accident
Catastrophic injuries can make it difficult to cope with the legal aftermath of an accident, and you may wonder how soon after your Columbus truck accident you should contact a law firm. The sooner you do, the more time your personal injury lawyer will have to:
- Investigate your accident and injuries
- Document your treatment plan and costs
- Canvass the accident scene for photos and videos
- Consult an accident reconstruction expert
Early intervention also means your Columbus truck wreck lawyer can interview witnesses while their memories are vivid. It can also allow them to protect you from a speedy, yet insufficient, settlement offer from the at-fault party’s insurer.
How Else Can a Truck Accident Attorney Help After an Accident in Columbus?
Handling your truck accident claim without legal representation can be risky, complicated, and potentially overwhelming. When a lawyer accepts your case, they will perform all the hard work and legwork for you. They will:
- Calculate the financial value of your case
- Identify all potentially liable parties
- Clarify complex legal and insurance language
- Handle all communication with the liable party’s insurance company
- Answer your case-related questions and concerns
- Obtain, complete, and submit insurance claim forms and other forms of paperwork
- Provide ongoing updates as your case progresses
- Negotiate for a favorable financial settlement
- Represent you in court if necessary
hat Damages Are Available in a Columbus Truck Accident Claim?
The aftermath of a truck accident can include a plethora of expenses, including medical care and long-term rehabilitation and therapy costs. These are generally recoverable from the at-fault party after proving their negligence caused your accident.
Additional recoverable damages in a truck accident claim include:
- Past and future lost wages
- Assistive medical devices
- Treatment-related travel costs
- Required home modifications
- Property damage or destruction
- Diminished property value
- Impairment or disfigurement
- Physical pain and suffering
- Mental and emotional distress
- Loss of enjoyment of life
hat Damages Are Available After a Truck Accident Fatality in Columbus?
At The Fitch Law Firm LLC, we know nothing can atone for the loss of your loved one due to another person’s or entity’s negligence. We also know the financial upheaval your family can experience after a sudden and unexpected loss.
Our wrongful death compensation request for your family can include:
- The decedent’s funeral, burial, or cremation costs
- Loss of your loved one’s services and financial support
- Loss of consortium, companionship, and guidance
- Survivors’ damages, including mental and emotional anguish
Our legal team will take time to explain how the statute of limitations applies to wrongful death truck accident claims in Columbus. We can also explain which family members can request compensation, including how wrongful death settlements are paid out.
Why Choose a Truck Accident Attorney from The Fitch Law Firm LLC to Handle Your Claim?
At The Fitch Law Firm LLC, we have obtained some of the highest personal injury verdicts in Ohio’s history. When we assess your case, we’ll take time to obtain all the necessary documentation to support your economic and non-economic expenses and losses.
Our fee structure also means you do not have to delay getting legal support when you need it most. We will accept your case on a contingency fee basis, meaning you will pay nothing upfront or out of your pocket. In fact, you will not compensate us at all unless and until we recover compensation for you.
Get a Free Consultation About Your Truck Accident Case Today
If you or someone you love was injured in a recent truck accident in Columbus, you should understand how the statute of limitations applies to your truck accident claim. A truck accident lawyer from our team can clarify filing deadlines and their potential fluctuations.
Learn more about the specifics of your case by contacting our consultation team at The Fitch Law Firm LLC today for a free consultation.