Many different factors can cause motorcycle accidents. Traveling by motorcycle can be a fun and cost-efficient way to get from place to place for some people. Many people prefer to ride them for their exciting nature, and because they do not use as much gas as passenger vehicles or trucks. However, riding a motorcycle on the road can also be dangerous. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nearly 5,000 motorcyclists were killed in 2018 alone.
Motorcycle accidents can be caused by multiple factors, from environmental factors to errors on the road. Determining who is at fault in most motorcycle accidents often requires investigating the accident scene and collecting evidence. Once you determine what caused the accident and what actions might have led to it, you may be able to determine the liable party in your accident.
Drivers Must Look Out for Motorcyclists When Making Left Turns
Cars making left turns can be a road risk for motorcycle drivers. Motorcycles are much smaller than most vehicles. Because of this, other drivers might not notice motorcycles entering an intersection. This does not mean the driver of the car is at fault. Left-turn accidents can occur when:
- The motorcycle driver is speeding
- The driver of the car is distracted
- One of them runs a red light
A left-turn accident can cause severe or even fatal injuries, especially for a motorcycle driver. Determining fault in a left-turn accident can be difficult, depending on the circumstances.
Poor Environmental Conditions Can Be an Additional Safety Hazard for Motorcyclists
Environmental conditions may affect motorcyclists’ safety on the road. Since motorcycles only have two wheels, they may face additional obstacles on the road that might seem minor to large vehicles. For example, speed bumps can be hazardous to a motorcyclist if gone unnoticed, potentially causing motorcyclists to fall off or damage their motorcycle.
Weather conditions may also have a severe effect on motorcycle riders. Many motorcycle riders do not intentionally ride in the rain due to their lack of overhead covering and how difficult it might be to see with the rain. However, motorcycle riders might get caught in a bad storm or cold weather. If it rains or snows, the roads might become slick. A motorcycle’s tires may lose traction on slippery surfaces and end up causing an accident.
Determining Who Was Speeding May Also Determine Who Was at Fault
Speed is an essential factor to consider when determining who is at fault in most motorcycle accidents. If one party was speeding at the time of the accident, that might determine who the liable party might be.
If a motorcycle rider is speeding, they can take other drivers by surprise, especially if they are also weaving through traffic without signaling or using proper caution. Because motorcycles are much smaller than other vehicles, they can be harder to spot. A car might switch lanes as a motorcyclist tries to speed forward, and suddenly a collision occurs.
When other vehicle drivers are speeding, they might not have as much time to notice a motorcyclist in front of them, especially if they are distracted. If a driver was using their cellphone while speeding, they might not be able to react to a motorcyclist and stop in time to avoid an accident.
Alcohol Consumption Can Be a Fatal Mistake if Motorcyclists Decide to Drive Afterward
In 2018, 26 percent of motorcycle drivers who suffered fatal injuries had a blood alcohol concentration of .08 percent or more, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS). Alcohol can create issues with balance in a motorcycle driver. When riding a motorcycle, keeping balance is extremely important. Losing balance can result in disaster for a motorcyclist.
Alcohol can reduce reaction times and inhibitions in any driver. Drivers are more likely to drive recklessly and carelessly. Driving while intoxicated is dangerous for any driver and can cause devastation.
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Unskilled Riders May Put Others at Risk on the Road
Seeing other motorcycles on the road can make riding a motorcycle seem easy. However, jumping on a motorcycle without proper knowledge and training can be dangerous. Unskilled riders risk their own lives along with the lives of every driver around them.
Unskilled motorcycle riders might not have the experience to handle certain situations on the road. While an accident might not be the unskilled rider’s fault, they might not be able to prevent an accident that a more skilled rider could.
How a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help
If you were injured in a motorcycle accident, you might be entitled to receive compensation for the damages you incurred. Our team at the Fitch Law Firm, LLC, can help determine who is at fault in most motorcycle accidents. Call today at (614) 545-3930 for a free consultation and learn what options might be available to you.